Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hello and Welcome to The Bridge

Hey everybody,

First things first, this group is to serve two purposes. To know Christ and make Him known. Simple. Our first meeting will be September 28th, 6:30 at the church. 

We figured a blog would be the easiest way to keep everyone updated to the goings-on of The Bridge. Yes, that is currently what we are calling it unless someone comes up with a better name. 

We will be posting schedules, questions, thoughts, updates, book reviews and recommendations, music and the like from time to time. Subscribe to it so you are all alerted when something gets posted. 

This first post is simply informative. Please pass this along to those that you think may benefit from this group. Keep it to those that have graduated high school and are not over 30ish.

One of the things we will be going over in the group is basic Christian Theology, or the essentials if you will. I picked up "Essentials" by Greg Laurie, so far so good. We're going to try and tear through a good portion of it before the 28th. Along with the book he has put together a study guide which looks pretty good. We've posted links below to each of them. Pick them up if you can before the 28th. 

I know Kelley and I are really looking forward too this and we have been praying for all of you. We are trusting God to build this group as He sees fit. Please be praying for us, for the group- The Bridge (I think I like that.)

Grace and Peace,
Chris and Kelley

Essentials by Greg Laurie

Essentials Bible Study by Greg Laurie

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Guys! You're doing a great job! I can't wait to see what God has planned for the Bridge.
